Download our participant guide to get ready for Project Ascension.

Our Participant Guide summarizes all the information you need to role-play in Project Ascension. Download it now!
And just in case you don't download it, we're summarizing the five things you need to know right here:
1. If you don’t do something, you’re gonna die at the end.
This larp offers you three choices: figure out how to Ascend, find an escape route, or meet your fate at the end of the night. The first two options require you to try to complete certain tasks... and possibly fail. That’s part of this story: the part you control is how you deal with the situation.
2. We keep secrets from you as part of the design.
Project Ascension is a noir story, which means it relies on mystery, suspense, and melodrama. There’s a lot of information for you to discover, as well as misinformation. While we’ll never lie to you about risk management or logistics,
every piece of in-role information will come to you through an unreliable narrator.
3. You need to connect with your crew at some point.
You’ll be organized into “crews” of 7 or 8 people. These are your most important
connections in the larp. While there will be an opportunity to form connections at the start of play, please, feel free to make up additional history between yourselves beforehand.
4. The online workshop is mandatory.
You will need to complete an online workshop prior to play. It’ll take about an hour and include an open-book quiz. This online workshop includes all the risk management tools you’ll need for a safer experience. It’s as important to complete the workshop as it is to read your character sheet.
5. It’s cool if you just show up and play.
All we ask is that you do the online workshop and read your character sheet. We design for you to show up and not know the setting, or without having talked to the other members of your crew. As long as you understand everything in the workshop and on your sheet, you’ll be able to participate.