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Online Facilitators & Run Crew

Ryan Hart

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

Join our staff for Project Ascension.

Would you like to be part of Project Ascension, and get paid for doing it? Sinking Ship Creations is currently hiring run crew & online facilitators for our October event. If interested in either of these two positions, please email us at

Online Facilitators

An online facilitator works with our run-time director to manage communication and portray online characters over our Discord server. You will be the hub of our larp, both in and out of character, as you connect participants with the people they need to talk to. This role not only includes answering questions in real-time, but role-playing a variety of minor characters to deliver information in-role wherever possible. Duties and requirements include:

  • You must be in New York City no later than 4 pm Friday, October 7, and be available throughout Saturday, October 8.

  • You must have a reliable laptop computer and a headset for voice chat.

  • Experience facilitating online larps is highly preferred. We’re looking for people who would require minimal training and are comfortable in fast-paced environments.

Pay is $15/hour, with 12 hours guaranteed. We will not schedule you to work more than 8 hours a day, and if you accept overtime we pay time-and-a-half.

Run Crew

The run crew works with the run-time director to support the larp, playing spur-of-the-moment NPCs and performing light labor during the event. Activities vary between playing a bodyguard to going to the hardware to buy supplies. Also, members of the run crew will be invited to play a minor character during the finale as a participant: these secondary characters will be in “supporting roles.” Finally, Run Crew serves as our “bench” in case of last-minute drops: if hired as Run Crew, you will have a spot on our “wait list.” Duties and requirements include:

  • You must be in New York City no later than 4 pm Friday, October 7, and be available throughout Saturday, October 8.

  • You must be comfortable running errands in New York City. This includes travel on city streets at night, using the subway, and carrying items up to five blocks.

  • No larp experience is required.

Pay is $15/hour, with 12 hours guaranteed. We will not schedule you to work more than 8 hours a day, and if you accept overtime we pay time-and-a-half. In addition, within a week of the event, we will cast you in a role if a participant drops out. If you accept a character in Project Ascension, you will do so at no cost, but we will not use you for any further run crew activities. You are under no obligation to accept a role, but hiring preference will be given to those interested in doing so.

  • Example: Leslie is on the run crew. On Wednesday before the event, the player of NEWTON drops out of the larp. Les accepts the part: they will not have to pay anything to participate, but will not receive any pay as Run Crew.

  • Example: Callie is on the run crew and does 4 hours of work on Friday. On Saturday morning, a participant has to drop since they missed their flight. Callie accepts their part, and will be paid $60 for 4 hours of work in addition to playing the character.

  • Example: Jac is on the run crew. When offered the opportunity to play a character, they decline. They are still guaranteed 12 hours of work as part of the run crew.


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